Residual invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma involving the submucosa with an extensive high-grade noninvasive tubulovillous adenoma component
Residual invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma involving the submucosa with an extensive high-grade noninvasive tubulovillous adenoma component
Moderately to severely active inflammatory bowel disease, consistent with Crohn’s disease
Treated signet ring cell carcinoma – no residual viable carcinoma with pools of acellular mucin
Circumferential invasive adenocarcinoma invading through the muscularis propria into peri colorectal tissue
Invasive adenocarcinoma with extension into the pericolonic soft tissue
Adenocarcinoma invading through the muscularis propria into the peri colorectal tissue
Colon with active chronic inflammation – history of UC, however, pathologic findings are more in keeping with Crohn’s disease
Small bowel with ulcerations, transmural acute and chronic inflammation, gross perforation and associated serositis with adhesions and fibrinopurulent exudate
Gunshot wound with associated hemorrhage and ischemic change
Submucosal fibrosis centered at the GE junction with associated calcifications and foreign body giant cell reaction, consistent with regressed tumor bed, no residual viable adenocarcinoma