The Program for microRNA Biology has a monthly journal club where we explore timely microRNA manuscripts with provocative data. The journal club began in 2013 and has attracted a robust audience of faculty and trainees covering a range of miRNA processes.
The journal club is held at 1:30 pm EDT/EST, virtually, on the second Wednesday of the month. Please contact Marc Halushka ([email protected]) to get on our mailing list.
The July manuscript is Inducible and reversible inhibition of miRNA-mediated gene repression in vivo by La Rocca G et al eLife 2021 and led by Marc Halushka.
Our journal club is now virtual. Please join us on Zoom and bring your own lunch.
Previous Manuscripts
The Program for microRNA Biology has a monthly journal club where we explore timely microRNA manuscripts with provocative data. The journal club began in 2013 and has attracted a robust audience of faculty and trainees covering a range of miRNA processes.
The journal club is held at 1:30 pm EDT/EST, virtually, on the second Wednesday of the month. Please contact Marc Halushka ([email protected]) to get on our mailing list.
The November manuscript will be reported on shortly.
Our journal club is now virtual. Please join us on Zoom and bring your own lunch.
Previous Manuscripts
A plant immune protein enables broad antitumor response by rescuing microRNA deficiency by Qi Y et al Cell 2022.
Inducible and reversible inhibition of miRNA-mediated gene repression in vivo by La Rocca G et al eLife 2021.
Selective inhibition of miRNA processing by a herpesvirus-encoded miRNA by Hennig T et al Nature 2022.
A rationalized definition of general tumor suppressor microRNAs excludes miR-34a by Mockly S et al. NAR 2022.
Stress promotes RNA G-quadruplex folding in human cells by Kharel et al bioRxiv 2022.
SARS-CoV-2 encoded microRNAs are involved in the process of virus infection and host immune response. by Liu Z et al J Biomed Res 2021.
SARS-CoV-2 expresses a microRNA-like small RNA able to selectively repress host genes by Pawlica P et al PNAS 2021.
A virus-encoded microRNA contributes to evade innate immune response during SARS-CoV-2 infection by Singh M et al. EMBO reports 2022.
Pairing to the microRNA 3′ region occurs through two alternative binding modes, with affinity shaped by nucleotide identity as well as pairing position by McGeary SE et al. Biorxiv 2021.
Histone deficiency and accelerated replication stress in T cell aging by Kim C et al. J Clin Inv 2021.
MiR-205-driven downregulation of cholesterol biosynthesis through SQLE-inhibition identifies therapeutic vulnerability in aggressive prostate cancer by Kalogirou C et al. Nat Comm 2021.
A microRNA program regulates the balance between cardiomyocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy and stimulates cardiac regeneration by Raso A et al. Nat Comm 2021.
PANDORA-seq expands the repertoire of regulatory small RNAs by overcoming RNA modifications by Shi J et al. Nat Cell Biol, 2021.
Spatial expression analyses of the putative oncogene ciRS-7 in cancer reshape the microRNA sponge theory by Kristensen et al. Nat Comm 2020.
Hsa_circ_0020095 Promotes Oncogenesis and Cisplatin Resistance in Colon Cancer by Sponging miR-487a-3p and Modulating SOX9 by Sun et al. Front Cell Dev Biol 2020
A genome-wide microRNA screen identifies the microRNA-183/96/182 cluster as a modulator of circadian rhythms by Zhou L et al. PNAS 2021.
A ubiquitin ligase mediates target-directed microRNA decay independently of tailing and trimming by Han J et al. Science 2020.
A Novel Bioengineered miR-127 Prodrug Suppresses the Growth and Metastatic Potential of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells by Umeh-Garcia M et al. Cancer Res 2020.
MicroRNA degradation by a conserved target RNA regulates animal behavior by Bitetti A et al. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2018.
High-Resolution In Vivo Identification of miRNA Targets by Halo-Enhanced Ago2 Pull-Down by Li X et al. Mol Cell, 2020.
Target-Directed MicroRNA Degradation by Sheu-Gruttadauria J et al. Mol Cell 2019.
Ago2-Dependent Processing Allows miR-451 to Evade the Global MicroRNA Turnover Elicited during Erythropoiesis by Kretov et al. Mol Cell, 2020.
Suppressing miR-21 activity in tumor-associated macrophages promotes an antitumor immune response by Sahraei M et al. J Clin Inv, 2019.
The biochemical basis of microRNA targeting efficacy by McGeary SE et al. Science, 2019.
Temporal dynamics of miRNAs in human DLPFC and its association with miRNA dysregulation in schizophrenia. by Hu Z et al. Transl Psychiatry, 2019.
MicroRNA therapy stimulates uncontrolled cardiac repair after myocardial infarction in pigs. by Gabisonia K et al. Nature, 2019.
MiR-135a-5p Is Critical for Exercise-Induced Adult Neurogenesis. Pons-Espinal et al. Stem Cell Reports, 2019.
Spring is in the air: seasonal profiles indicate vernal change of miRNA activity. Ludwig N et al. RNA Biol, 2019.
Extracellular microRNAs exhibit sequence-dependent stability and cellular release kinetics. Coenen-Stass AML et al. RNA Biol, 2019.
Regulation of cell-type-specific transcriptomes by microRNA networks during human brain development. Nowakowski TJ et al. Nature Neurosci, 2018.
A non-coding function of TYRP1 mRNA promotes melanoma growth. Gilot D. et al. Nat Cell Biol, 2017.
6mer seed toxicity in tumor suppressive microRNAs. Gao QQ et al. Nature Comm, 2018.
miR-222 isoforms are differentially regulated by type-I interferon. Nejad C. et al. RNA, 2018.
Loss of a mammalian circular RNA locus causes miRNA deregulation and affects brain function. Piwecka M et al. Science, 2018.
Deep sequencing of circulating exosomal microRNA allows non-invasive glioblastoma diagnosis. Ebrahimkhani et al. Biorxiv, 2018.
Unraveling the determinants of microRNA mediated regulation using a massively parallel reporter assay. Slutskin. et al. Nat Comm, 2018.
Cell-type specific sequencing of microRNAs from complex animal tissues. Alberti C. et al. Nat Methods, 2018.
A microRNA feedback loop regulates global microRNA abundance during aging. Inuai. et al. RNA, 2018.
Hypothalamic stem cells control ageing speed partly through exosomal miRNAs. Zhang Y. et al. Nature. 2017.
Activity-dependent spatially localized miRNA maturation in neuronal dendrites. Sambandan et al., Science, 2017.
FolamiRs: Ligand-targeted, vehicle-free delivery of microRNAs for the treatment of cancer. Orellana et al., Sci Trans Med, 2017.
Dicer and microRNAs protect adult dopamine neurons. Chmielarz et al., Cell Death and Disease, 2017.
An integrated expression atlas of miRNAs and their promoters in human and mouse. de Rie et al., Nature Biotechnol, 2017.
Exosomal microRNA Transfer into Macrophages Mediates Cellular Postconditioning. de Couto, et al., Circulation, 2017.
Knowledge about the presence or absence of miRNA isoforms (isomiRs) can successfully discriminate amongst 32 TCGA cancer types. Telonis, et al., NAR, 2017.
An Argonaute phosphorylation cycle promotes microRNA-mediated silencing. Golden, et al., Nature, 2017.
The number of biologically relevant microRNA targets has been largely overestimated. Pinzón, et al., Genome Res, 2017.
The RNA-Binding Protein SYNCRIP Is a Component of the Hepatocyte Exosomal Machinery Controlling MicroRNA Sorting. Santangelo, et al., Cell Rep, 2016.
Y-box protein 1 is required to sort microRNAs into exosomes in cells and in a cell-free reaction. Shurtleff MJ et al., eLife, 2016.
Impact of MicroRNA Levels, Target-Site Complementarity, and Cooperativity on Competing Endogenous RNA-Regulated Gene Expression. Denzler, et al., Molecular Cell, 2016.
Strand-specific in vivo screen of cancer-associated miRNAs unveils a role for miR-21* in SCC progression. Ge, et al., Nat Cell Biol. 2016.
Argonaute-associated short introns are a novel class of gene regulators. Hansen et al., Nat Commun, 2016.
KRAS-MEK Signaling Controls Ago2 Sorting into Exosomes. McKenzie et al., Cell Rep, 2016.
Double-stranded microRNA mimics can induce length- and passenger strand–dependent effects in a cell type–specific manner. Goldgraben et al., RNA, 2016.
Re-evaluation of the roles of DROSHA, Exportin 5, and DICER in microRNA biogenesis. Kim et al., PNAS, 2016.
microRNA Function Is Limited to Cytokine Control in the Acute Response to Virus Infection. Aguado et al., Cell Host Microbe,2015.
Genome-wide annotation of microRNA primary transcript structures reveals novel regulatory mechanisms. Chang et al., Genome Res, 2015.
The human decapping scavenger enzyme DcpS modulates microRNA turnover. Meziane et al., Sci Rep, 2015.
MOV10 and FMRP Regulate AGO2 Association with MicroRNA Recognition Elements. Kenny et al., Cell Reports, 2014.
MicroRNA directly enhances mitochondrial translation during muscle differentiation. Zhang et al., Cell, 2014.
On the availability of microRNA-induced silencing complexes, saturation of microRNA-binding sites and stoichiometry. Mayya and Duchaine, NAR, 2015.
Assessment of small RNA sorting into different extracellular fractions revealed by high-throughput sequencing of breast cell lines. Tosar et al, NAR, 2015.
Dephosphorylation of tyrosine 393 in argonaute 2 by protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B regulates gene silencing in oncogenic RAS-induced senescence. Yang et al., Mol Cell, 2014.
Analysis of 13 cell types reveals evidence for the expression of numerous novel primate- and tissue-specific microRNAs. Londin et al., PNAS, 2015.
In vivo, Argonaute-bound microRNAs exist predominantly in a reservoir of low molecular weight complexes not associated with mRNA. La Rocca et al., PNAS, 2015.
Meta-analysis of tRNA derived RNA fragments reveals that they are evolutionarily conserved and associate with AGO proteins to recognize specific RNA targets. Kumar et al., BMC Biol, 2014.
Quantitative and stoichiometric analysis of the microRNA content of exosomes. Chevillet et al., PNAS, 2014.
Conserved temporal patterns of microRNA expression in Drosophila support a developmental hourglass model. Ninova et al., Genome Biol Evol, 2014.
Gain-of-function lipoprotein lipase variant rs13702 modulates lipid traits through disruption of a microRNA-410 seed site. Richardson et al., Am J Hum Genet, 2013.
Hippo signaling regulates microprocessor and links cell-density-dependent miRNA biogenesis to cancer. Mori et al., Cell, 2014.
MeCP2 Suppresses Nuclear MicroRNA Processing and Dendritic Growth by Regulating the DGCR8/Drosha Complex. Cheng et al, Dev Cell, 2014.
Enhancement of hepatitis C viral RNA abundance by precursor miR-122 molecules. Cox et al., RNA. 2013.
Circular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency. Memczak et al., Nature 2013.
Natural RNA circles function as efficient microRNA sponges. Hansen et al., Nature 2013.
Mapping the human miRNA interactome by CLASH reveals frequent noncanonical binding. Helwak et al., Cell. 2013.
High-throughput assessment of microRNA activity and function using microRNA sensor and decoy libraries. Mullokandov et al., Nat Methods. 2012.
Plasma processing conditions substantially influence circulating microRNA biomarker levels. Cheng et al., PlosOne, 2013.
Selective inhibition of miRNA processing by a herpesvirus-encoded miRNA by Hennig T et al Nature 2022.
A rationalized definition of general tumor suppressor microRNAs excludes miR-34a by Mockly S et al. NAR 2022.
Stress promotes RNA G-quadruplex folding in human cells by Kharel et al bioRxiv 2022.
SARS-CoV-2 encoded microRNAs are involved in the process of virus infection and host immune response. by Liu Z et al J Biomed Res 2021.
SARS-CoV-2 expresses a microRNA-like small RNA able to selectively repress host genes by Pawlica P et al PNAS 2021.
A virus-encoded microRNA contributes to evade innate immune response during SARS-CoV-2 infection by Singh M et al. EMBO reports 2022.
Pairing to the microRNA 3′ region occurs through two alternative binding modes, with affinity shaped by nucleotide identity as well as pairing position by McGeary SE et al. Biorxiv 2021.
Histone deficiency and accelerated replication stress in T cell aging by Kim C et al. J Clin Inv 2021.
MiR-205-driven downregulation of cholesterol biosynthesis through SQLE-inhibition identifies therapeutic vulnerability in aggressive prostate cancer by Kalogirou C et al. Nat Comm 2021.
A microRNA program regulates the balance between cardiomyocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy and stimulates cardiac regeneration by Raso A et al. Nat Comm 2021.
PANDORA-seq expands the repertoire of regulatory small RNAs by overcoming RNA modifications by Shi J et al. Nat Cell Biol, 2021.
Spatial expression analyses of the putative oncogene ciRS-7 in cancer reshape the microRNA sponge theory by Kristensen et al. Nat Comm 2020.
Hsa_circ_0020095 Promotes Oncogenesis and Cisplatin Resistance in Colon Cancer by Sponging miR-487a-3p and Modulating SOX9 by Sun et al. Front Cell Dev Biol 2020
A genome-wide microRNA screen identifies the microRNA-183/96/182 cluster as a modulator of circadian rhythms by Zhou L et al. PNAS 2021.
A ubiquitin ligase mediates target-directed microRNA decay independently of tailing and trimming by Han J et al. Science 2020.
A Novel Bioengineered miR-127 Prodrug Suppresses the Growth and Metastatic Potential of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells by Umeh-Garcia M et al. Cancer Res 2020.
MicroRNA degradation by a conserved target RNA regulates animal behavior by Bitetti A et al. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2018.
High-Resolution In Vivo Identification of miRNA Targets by Halo-Enhanced Ago2 Pull-Down by Li X et al. Mol Cell, 2020.
Target-Directed MicroRNA Degradation by Sheu-Gruttadauria J et al. Mol Cell 2019.
Ago2-Dependent Processing Allows miR-451 to Evade the Global MicroRNA Turnover Elicited during Erythropoiesis by Kretov et al. Mol Cell, 2020.
Suppressing miR-21 activity in tumor-associated macrophages promotes an antitumor immune response by Sahraei M et al. J Clin Inv, 2019.
The biochemical basis of microRNA targeting efficacy by McGeary SE et al. Science, 2019.
Temporal dynamics of miRNAs in human DLPFC and its association with miRNA dysregulation in schizophrenia. by Hu Z et al. Transl Psychiatry, 2019.
MicroRNA therapy stimulates uncontrolled cardiac repair after myocardial infarction in pigs. by Gabisonia K et al. Nature, 2019.
MiR-135a-5p Is Critical for Exercise-Induced Adult Neurogenesis. Pons-Espinal et al. Stem Cell Reports, 2019.
Spring is in the air: seasonal profiles indicate vernal change of miRNA activity. Ludwig N et al. RNA Biol, 2019.
Extracellular microRNAs exhibit sequence-dependent stability and cellular release kinetics. Coenen-Stass AML et al. RNA Biol, 2019.
Regulation of cell-type-specific transcriptomes by microRNA networks during human brain development. Nowakowski TJ et al. Nature Neurosci, 2018.
A non-coding function of TYRP1 mRNA promotes melanoma growth. Gilot D. et al. Nat Cell Biol, 2017.
6mer seed toxicity in tumor suppressive microRNAs. Gao QQ et al. Nature Comm, 2018.
miR-222 isoforms are differentially regulated by type-I interferon. Nejad C. et al. RNA, 2018.
Loss of a mammalian circular RNA locus causes miRNA deregulation and affects brain function. Piwecka M et al. Science, 2018.
Deep sequencing of circulating exosomal microRNA allows non-invasive glioblastoma diagnosis. Ebrahimkhani et al. Biorxiv, 2018.
Unraveling the determinants of microRNA mediated regulation using a massively parallel reporter assay. Slutskin. et al. Nat Comm, 2018.
Cell-type specific sequencing of microRNAs from complex animal tissues. Alberti C. et al. Nat Methods, 2018.
A microRNA feedback loop regulates global microRNA abundance during aging. Inuai. et al. RNA, 2018.
Hypothalamic stem cells control ageing speed partly through exosomal miRNAs. Zhang Y. et al. Nature. 2017.
Activity-dependent spatially localized miRNA maturation in neuronal dendrites. Sambandan et al., Science, 2017.
FolamiRs: Ligand-targeted, vehicle-free delivery of microRNAs for the treatment of cancer. Orellana et al., Sci Trans Med, 2017.
Dicer and microRNAs protect adult dopamine neurons. Chmielarz et al., Cell Death and Disease, 2017.
An integrated expression atlas of miRNAs and their promoters in human and mouse. de Rie et al., Nature Biotechnol, 2017.
Exosomal microRNA Transfer into Macrophages Mediates Cellular Postconditioning. de Couto, et al., Circulation, 2017.
Knowledge about the presence or absence of miRNA isoforms (isomiRs) can successfully discriminate amongst 32 TCGA cancer types. Telonis, et al., NAR, 2017.
An Argonaute phosphorylation cycle promotes microRNA-mediated silencing. Golden, et al., Nature, 2017.
The number of biologically relevant microRNA targets has been largely overestimated. Pinzón, et al., Genome Res, 2017.
The RNA-Binding Protein SYNCRIP Is a Component of the Hepatocyte Exosomal Machinery Controlling MicroRNA Sorting. Santangelo, et al., Cell Rep, 2016.
Y-box protein 1 is required to sort microRNAs into exosomes in cells and in a cell-free reaction. Shurtleff MJ et al., eLife, 2016.
Impact of MicroRNA Levels, Target-Site Complementarity, and Cooperativity on Competing Endogenous RNA-Regulated Gene Expression. Denzler, et al., Molecular Cell, 2016.
Strand-specific in vivo screen of cancer-associated miRNAs unveils a role for miR-21* in SCC progression. Ge, et al., Nat Cell Biol. 2016.
Argonaute-associated short introns are a novel class of gene regulators. Hansen et al., Nat Commun, 2016.
KRAS-MEK Signaling Controls Ago2 Sorting into Exosomes. McKenzie et al., Cell Rep, 2016.
Double-stranded microRNA mimics can induce length- and passenger strand–dependent effects in a cell type–specific manner. Goldgraben et al., RNA, 2016.
Re-evaluation of the roles of DROSHA, Exportin 5, and DICER in microRNA biogenesis. Kim et al., PNAS, 2016.
microRNA Function Is Limited to Cytokine Control in the Acute Response to Virus Infection. Aguado et al., Cell Host Microbe,2015.
Genome-wide annotation of microRNA primary transcript structures reveals novel regulatory mechanisms. Chang et al., Genome Res, 2015.
The human decapping scavenger enzyme DcpS modulates microRNA turnover. Meziane et al., Sci Rep, 2015.
MOV10 and FMRP Regulate AGO2 Association with MicroRNA Recognition Elements. Kenny et al., Cell Reports, 2014.
MicroRNA directly enhances mitochondrial translation during muscle differentiation. Zhang et al., Cell, 2014.
On the availability of microRNA-induced silencing complexes, saturation of microRNA-binding sites and stoichiometry. Mayya and Duchaine, NAR, 2015.
Assessment of small RNA sorting into different extracellular fractions revealed by high-throughput sequencing of breast cell lines. Tosar et al, NAR, 2015.
Dephosphorylation of tyrosine 393 in argonaute 2 by protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B regulates gene silencing in oncogenic RAS-induced senescence. Yang et al., Mol Cell, 2014.
Analysis of 13 cell types reveals evidence for the expression of numerous novel primate- and tissue-specific microRNAs. Londin et al., PNAS, 2015.
In vivo, Argonaute-bound microRNAs exist predominantly in a reservoir of low molecular weight complexes not associated with mRNA. La Rocca et al., PNAS, 2015.
Meta-analysis of tRNA derived RNA fragments reveals that they are evolutionarily conserved and associate with AGO proteins to recognize specific RNA targets. Kumar et al., BMC Biol, 2014.
Quantitative and stoichiometric analysis of the microRNA content of exosomes. Chevillet et al., PNAS, 2014.
Conserved temporal patterns of microRNA expression in Drosophila support a developmental hourglass model. Ninova et al., Genome Biol Evol, 2014.
Gain-of-function lipoprotein lipase variant rs13702 modulates lipid traits through disruption of a microRNA-410 seed site. Richardson et al., Am J Hum Genet, 2013.
Hippo signaling regulates microprocessor and links cell-density-dependent miRNA biogenesis to cancer. Mori et al., Cell, 2014.
MeCP2 Suppresses Nuclear MicroRNA Processing and Dendritic Growth by Regulating the DGCR8/Drosha Complex. Cheng et al, Dev Cell, 2014.
Enhancement of hepatitis C viral RNA abundance by precursor miR-122 molecules. Cox et al., RNA. 2013.
Circular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency. Memczak et al., Nature 2013.
Natural RNA circles function as efficient microRNA sponges. Hansen et al., Nature 2013.
Mapping the human miRNA interactome by CLASH reveals frequent noncanonical binding. Helwak et al., Cell. 2013.
High-throughput assessment of microRNA activity and function using microRNA sensor and decoy libraries. Mullokandov et al., Nat Methods. 2012.
Plasma processing conditions substantially influence circulating microRNA biomarker levels. Cheng et al., PlosOne, 2013.